Wednesday, June 09, 2004

New Blogroll Entries

I have been remiss in not adding two blogs which I have known about for a couple of weeks: The Violent Munkee and The Blue Canopy. These are by dear friends that I have slightly lost touch with since they did the Big O about a year and a half ago. In my own defence, it took me awhile to figure out who they were, but the main reason has been laziness on my part. I've been busy over the last couple of weeks, but not that busy.

Also added is the new blog of Michelle Malkin one of my favorite columnists. It isn't very readable yet, having only been started today, but I am sure it will be worth keeping an eye on.

UPDATE: Bah! Of course, Chance also has a blog: In Communion and I would have guessed that he would if I had stopped to think about it. There are probably some other friends out there from that same crowd, but I couldn't find them. If anyone cares to point me to them, I'll update the blogroll later.

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